Man holding a tablet with a screen view of a website with a 'News' headline.

Crafting a Ghostwritten Article That Shines


Being a ghostwriter doesn’t have to feel like you’re tiptoeing through a haunted house—unless that’s your jam, of course. Ditch the spookiness, and let’s tackle the one question that’s been ghosting your mind: How do you ghostwrite an article so authentically “them” that even their mom, their best friend, and their second-grade teacher would swear on a stack of dictionaries, “That’s got to be their work!”? Tighten your seatbelts, aspiring writers—get ready to learn the behind-the-scenes magic. It’s all about making your client the star while you play the wizard behind the scenes—and let me tell you, darling, this wizard’s got sass to spare.


First Date Jitters: Know Your Client

First things first: Wanna pull off a high-quality, oh-so-believable impersonation? Time to turn into Sherlock Holmes, but without the creepy stalking—no one needs a restraining order as a career highlight. No, your mission is to infiltrate their mind and mannerisms until you can paint a verbal portrait in their exact shade of “awesome.” Do they swagger around in Hawaiian shirts, blurting out “groovy” every ten minutes? Or are they the “indubitably” murmuring sophisticate in a tailored three-piece suit, sipping on 20-year-old scotch? Become a connoisseur of their quirks. You want to channel them so convincingly that if your article were a ventriloquist act, the audience would be staring at them, not your discreetly moving lips. Get so inside their head that you can toss phrases, jokes, or deep thoughts in their style without flinching. And remember, you’re not stealing their voice—think of it as a flattering form of vocal identity borrowing. All consensual, all legal, all fabulous.


Mastering Mimicry: Nail Their Voice

Alright, so you’ve gone full Sherlock minus the deerstalker hat—unless that’s their style, in which case, wear it proudly. You think you’ve cracked the code to your client’s voice, huh? But the real test is, can you mimic them without sounding like a third-string Elvis impersonator at a cash-strapped Vegas wedding chapel? If you find yourself puffing up your prose with grandiloquent phrases like “one may ascertain,” when your client would just kick back and say, “You get what I mean, right?”—sorry darling, you’ve missed the mark. You’re not auditioning for a one-man show of Hamlet here. The goal is to sound so much like them that even their dog would wag its tail in approval. So, drop that thesaurus like it’s a hot potato sprinkled with old English. Get out of your head and into theirs. Remember, you’re their voice doppelgänger, not their Victorian-era pen pal. Write like they talk, even if their language is more comic book zing than poetic musing.


The Blueprint: Structure, Sweetie

Listen up, hotshot. Structure in ghostwriting isn’t just the parsley on the plate. It’s the whole dang recipe. If your article’s framework has the consistency of overcooked spaghetti, trust me, no one’s going for seconds. Think of structure as the skeletal system of your writing—the bones that hold the meaty goodness in place. So before you go splattering words all over the screen like some abstract expressionist, get your bones in order.

Now, let’s break down the skeletal must-haves, shall we?

  • Draft an Outline: If your middle school English teacher could see you now, they’d probably still be underwhelmed, but hey, outlines are helpful.
  • Use Their Voice: Seriously, we’ve been over this. I shouldn’t need to keep nagging like a GPS rerouting you.
  • Consistency, Darling: If the tone of your article has more ups and downs than a rollercoaster, nobody’s having fun.
  • KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid): Leave the “sesquipedalian loquaciousness” to people who aren’t invited to parties.
  • Edit Like a Maniac: Newsflash—your first draft isn’t the Sistine Chapel. Take the chisel back to it until it’s a masterpiece.


Got those down? Great. Look, following this structure isn’t about becoming the architect of the Taj Mahal, but you do want to build something more sturdy than a house of cards. This isn’t optional, folks. If your structure is wobbly, don’t expect your ghostwriting gig to last longer than a sandcastle at high tide.


Flex or be Hexed: Adapt and Evolve

Ah, you thought ghostwriting was a stiff gig where you just assume a persona and clock out at 5? Bless your heart. Being a successful ghostwriter means you’re not just versatile. You’re a downright chameleon on a psychedelic background. One minute, you’re crafting tweets for a Gen Z TikToker who can’t even with life, and the next, you’re penning speeches for a CEO who uses words like “synergy” unironically. Think of yourself as the Swiss Army knife in a world full of sporks. You’re not just adapting; you’re shape-shifting, my friend. Be prepared to morph faster than you can say, ‘Autobots, roll out!’ because flexibility isn’t lovely in this game—it’s your freaking superpower. So go on, be the literary Gumby you were born to be.


The Grand Exit: Wrap It Up, Buttercup

Here’s the skinny dipped in gold. Ghostwriting is like a tango: it takes two to type out a masterpiece. You give voice to someone else’s thoughts, and in return, they slide a check your way that doesn’t moonwalk out of your bank account. This isn’t just a transaction. It’s a sizzling duet of brains and wit. So forget about “selling out”—you’re “cashing in,” cupcake! You’re the Cyrano de Bergerac of the 21st century, only you’re getting credited—in your bank account. And let’s be honest, cashing a check with a comma feels like a standing ovation, doesn’t it? So, follow these unfiltered tips, and you’ll soon be the ventriloquist everyone—and I mean everyone—wants to gab about.

Ghostwriting Life Lessons

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